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July 12, 2024

A New Hope

A New Hope

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This is the Final episode in this series (Series 1), and yes we have completed 42 episodes since our very first back in September 2023.

We finish on a real high as Martin tells us all about his recent Cancer tests (Martin has Stage 4 Lung Cancer), including the 4 weekly MRI scan recently completed.

It was nearly 12 Months that Martin laid in Hospital with things looking very beak.

Looking back we revisit Martins Highs and lows from the point of diagnosis to his update and results this week.

It really has been a rollercoaster of a ride, not only did he battle Cancer but on top of it all Sepsis, Pneumonia a chest infection and it was at this point martin really could not see much ahead.

During a visit by Patrick in early August 2023, the idea of a Podcast was first discussed and here we are today at the end of the first series.

We couldn't possibly finish the series without one of Martin's Jokes of the week, how it ends well know one knows but things can only get better.

Thanks for sticking with us and we hope you will join us for Series II which all  kicks off next week.


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Martin & Patrick xx