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On the Road

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Season 2, Episode 26

Well January and February slots are getting full with some exciting guests so Martin & Patrick thought they would fit in one with themselves.

The Boy's are on the road again and this episode has been recorded in their hotel room in Aylesbury the night prior to an interview with another exciting celebrity guest.

Onto todays episode, the boys bring us up to date with their respective illnesses Heart Disease and Stage 4 lung Cancer.

Cancer is a large group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, go beyond their usual boundaries to invade adjoining parts of the body and/or spread to other organs.

Coronary heart disease occurs when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle is blocked or reduced. This puts an increased strain on the heart, and can lead to: angina – chest pain caused by restricted blood flow to the heart muscle. heart attacks – where the blood flow to the heart muscle is suddenly blocked.

Some interesting facts about the two illnesses and a discussion around these facts. 

Martin has been looking at his own security online, and thus discusses Scammers and how to be safe online and deal with emails or telephone calls that don't seem right. Some tips on passwords and what to look out for online.

Finally we do get a chance for "Martins Joke of the week" it's quite a long one this time but please stick with it.


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